Valeo Galaem
Posted - 2006.04.22 23:03:00 -
In no particular order, my Top Ten Suggestions
1. More realistic sensor model. At the moment, ship "detection" is more visual range only. Have different ships have different detection ranges, have signature of the target modify this, and have scan probes augment your range (this is basically how the online game Allegiance does it). Then put this in play with a modification to local. Gangs should also affect this.
2. Modification to local. With a change to the sensor model, Local's current functionality could be completely revamped for the better.
3. Better graphical damage representation. Show shields taking damage - I like the image of the "smokey bubble" (not the best vid) myself, damage gets absorbed and builds up, then "pops" when shields go down. Armor decals detailing dents and scuffs. The hull breach fire plume, but use smaller, scaled effects, and place multiple ones on the hull on a per-hull-hp basis. Parallax Mapping the armor and hull breaches with the new engine could add some nice visuals without hitting the engine too hard.
4. Fleet/Gang organization. This includes the ability to use a system map to visually send objectives and other info.
5. Modified warp system. Make different ships have more variation in warp capability than just in-warp speed and cap use. New system for entering, leaving warp (many suggestions have already been made). The solution should fix the dependence on instas and warp stabs.
6. More mods visible on the ship. At the moment, mods are really the only way people feel that they have something customized. Seeing boosters, extra sensor arrays, hull plates slapped on would look nice, and also help to identify ship loadouts if you can get close enough. Ok, at least add missile bays (and have missiles launch from them when using 'look at').
Having corp/alliance colors and ship names could fall here too.
7. Have more 'non-pirate' npc interaction. Convoys, other civilian ships, etc. Possible integration with contracts... oh, and give npcs drones.
8. Redesign stations. They were never meant to have the traffic flowing out of them that some currently have, nor were their models meant to be rendered at the current scale. Make them big(er), high poly, with multiple exits and 'exit lanes'. When undocking, an exit will be randomly chosen (maybe based on current congestion in the lanes) and the ship will move down the lain and stop in a manner that won't obstruct further traffic. Having multiple entrances/exits will also add to the immersion factor, since auto docking still happens, but now the port isn't on the opposite side of the station.
9. Triggerable events in complexes/missions/where-ever. Make those structures have a purpose that is directly affectable by the player rather than just looting/destroying them and that's it. Defence grids that give bonuses to enemies, communication beacons that will call in reinforcements, drone factories that produce new npc enemies, etc. Maybe these could effect areas in other places/systems. Of course they will also be heavily defended.
10. For the whiners :\, at some point another 'boost' to new players needs to be added. Perhaps allowing a few specialized skills to be selected at character creation without having to fulfill the prerequisites. This has already become the case with a few players who selected unimplemented "mystery skills" after release that have since changed their prereqs. This will save enough training time for new players to make them interested, but 'vets' really shouldn't care. It will also allow new players to more quickly focus their game play experience at the start. _____________________________________________________________________ Thar be Pirates
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